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bidi and Hebrew

Registered User
2020-10-27 10:53:26

I've just decided to try RocketCake.
When I type text in Hebrew, each word is typed as in hebrew (from right to left) but the order of the words is from left to right as in English. It seems that it either uses visual Hebrew (a very old standard or it doesn't implement rtl or bidi char correctly.
Is there a simple solution?

2020-10-27 11:05:34

There is no good support for this, no, sorry. The editor probably doesn't handle Hebrew very well. Best thing is you can do is probably paste the text from another editor into there, but not sure if this is a good workaround.

Registered User
2020-10-27 16:22:52

Thanks for the fast reply.
Even if this is solved in the non-free version, it would be good for me. At the moment, I can thus conclude that I hope to find a good and not expernsive WYSIWYG editor (Besides MS-Word which is limited) that supports this.


2020-10-28 13:06:58

the hebraiian language thing is really complicated (our programmer implemented that feature for right-to-left-languages into our software) and needs a study for itself xD

when using hebraiian in ms word it also doesn't work correct. if you know the language, try something like:

Peter Pan (1938-1996)

Peter Pan (1938-1996) lived here

and take a look at the sequence of the years...

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