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How to generate a _parent page?

Registered User
2020-10-12 13:42:12


I'm from Germany and my english is not so good... Sorry!

Can you tell me how to create a _parent page?

My problem is: I've used the navigation menu to create a download in many different languages (.zip files in a folder on my hard disk): It works.
I want to show a "Thank you for downloading..." message after this action.
First I created the Message on top of the Page and marked all the links with _top... I don't know why it do not work this way.

So, now I want to try with _parent and hope that, this is a good solution. But I find no way to create a _parent page over my download page... Maybe you can help me or you know a better way.

Thank you

Registered User
2020-10-12 15:22:45

As best, if you give the possibility to insert more than one hyperlink-action in a element.

Registered User
2020-10-12 19:39:48

Maybe someone can tell me when I can expect an answer.

Thank you

2020-10-13 07:57:25

_parent pages are usually only used when you are using the frameset of HTML. It's a feature which is used today not much anymore, and RocketCake also doesn't support that.

I think for a thank-you thing, you probably could insert a JavaScript which then shows that after the download, but I'm not sure. Do you have an example website which does something like that?

BTW: RocketCake kommt aus Oesterreich, Deutsch geht auch via Mail, einfach den Support kontaktieren :)

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