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Odd table problem

Registered User
2020-10-04 13:41:23

I have a table set to three columns by three rows in one of my pages, and the editor seems to allow me to change the column widths by dragging the table-border (via the '<-->').

However, if I save the changes and then look at the preview, nothing has changed; content in the second and third columns stays the same distance apart.

I then retried this multiple times, but again nothing happened.

Content in the first and second columns is left-justified and content in the third column is right-justified.

So, any ideas?

Registered User
2020-10-05 09:39:27

Trying what you describe here seems to work. You are probably doing something a bit different than me. Any screenshots? Or upload your .rcd somewhere?

Registered User
2020-10-09 12:30:12

I've found a workaround it seems, thank you.

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