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change position glitches

Registered User
2020-06-14 22:11:16

im trying to make a driving game, basicly, when ever i try to change the players postion so i can make him exist the car after enter, the cam switches to him and does not change his position to the mesh/car, i have an action for when i press f, change active cam to players caam, change postion relative to car, change players postion relative to the cars postion, it does not work

2020-06-17 09:53:52

It should work maybe if player is already in car then there are chnaces that his position is already realtive to the car's position....

Try changing value of x, and z axis of the relative position by 10 or 50 or something else so that you can see the change.... If the player is already in car then his position and car position might be already same... So change the relative position in the behavior settings to a something else....

Hope it will resolve the isssue... Otherwise the behavior should work fine...

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