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Saturn 7 - Storage showcase

Registered User
2020-07-10 17:50:46

Robo wrote:
It came with 2 manuals - a 2" thick user manual and a 4" thick "Basic" programming manual.

Back when computers came with actually useful manuals. I don’t need to know how to plug in my USB drive, or my power cable.
Also, this is kind of a dead thread, but I might as well add something to it. :P
What intrigues me the most about the C64 and some other Commodore machines is the SID (MOS 6581 I believe) chip. It was limited to three sound channels that people managed to manipulate on the fly. For examples of this, check out some of Rob Hubbard or Jeroen Tel’s pieces.
You can also check out some of the 8-Bit guy’s videos on YouTube.
Sure, it’ll never compare to modern computer sound, but because of the technical limitations AND advances, the music that people created with it were truly incredible.

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