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Frame in website

Registered User
2020-05-24 12:20:08


I'm using Rocketcake 2.2 fo rmany years. Now it is time to change my website again, and i want to make an index page, with an inserted frame, where i can put my information.

When i choose a subject in the menu, it should be appeare in the frame.

How can i manage this? I tried Iframe, but can not change the url in the frame.

Thanks for the response

this website is made of diverent pages. When i added a new topic, i have to make changes on all the pages in the menu's

Registered User
2020-05-24 15:18:38

when you inserted an i-frame, there ist in Properties the entry 'web-adress' (or so - I don't know in english version)

there you can set the url.

Perhaps I misunderstood your 'problem'

you know, there's an update to RC 3.2 ?

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