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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Feature requests and bug reports
The Current Scene Node Kills

Registered User
2020-05-08 23:17:08

I was going through a tutorial, and was having problems finishing because when I'd test publish the game, it would freeze everytime.
What I basically have is a cube set up as a key that disappears when ever the camera is within a certain distance. Basic stuff.
The problem is that in the "Delete a scene node" settings for "Delete which SceneNode" I had selected [the current scene node].
My thinking was that by using this, I could easily duplicate the object with the logic seeing as the logic is looking for the node the logic is attached to.
With this set though, the game freezes everytime the cam goes near it.
However if I change "Delete which SceneNode" to be explicitly the current object (ie:cubeMesh1), then it works fine.
Unless I'm misunderstanding what the [the current scene node] means, I see this as a bug.
Does it not mean the current node this logic is attached to?
P.S. I've been testing [the current scene node] and it doesn't work anywhere. If I change it to be exactly the object I want then it works. This can be a big pain in the butt if you're duplicating objects multiple times that need to have the same behaviors.

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