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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Feature requests and bug reports
Updates!? 3 main points!

Registered User
2020-03-12 17:46:22

Now, I am for a while with nothing on the copper cube.

But see me about this mechanism! The simplicity of the way the game engine is lightweight is very good to work with.

he needs urgent upgrades so i would like to know if there is anything being done.

about the internal render! It was informed about a render with dx11 but in alpha and so far nothing.

It also needs in addition to a new render, better lighting, more material options (shader) per code I have never seen it works, tried and was unsuccessful and I also believe that Fisica should improve for movie devices. android and IOS.


3 things that would take this engine to another level ..

I tried godot these days it is very good but believe me it does not always compile an android package quite often from the error and not opening.

coppercube he always compiles well.
your intability would be the physical issue ... and enlightenment
I think so.

Well thanks for reading this far if you have.
if you are a developer of this game engine I want you to think about the possibilities to make it more current and with more resources.

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