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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Programming and Scripting
I need help. - controller player script.

Registered User
2019-12-25 00:03:57

I need help.
To control the player of my game can not use the default control of ccb.

The problem is that it gives too many errors, an animation does not play properly and needs more control over the jump of the player.

but I can't make a javascript code where I can know where the player is always looking.

as soon as I make a rotation the player goes sideways.
I ask @Niko and everyone I have seen here in the forum please if anyone knew how to do this help me.

(It would be a control like ccb but ... I need access to the code to meditate for the game).

Registered User
2019-12-25 13:52:01

Thanks. but i solved xD

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