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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Help with CopperCube
Performance and load management.!!!

Registered User
2019-11-17 23:40:50

I'm developing a game with coppercube the first phase will be out!

and questions arise after the main menu the player clicks player and calls the first phase.

but let's say i have 50 levels .. does ccb load all phases when loading the game?

and they only appear as you change scenes. ?

I want to know how the loading of each scene works if the memory load is only done when we call a scene? or if the ccb engine loads all scenes in memory and displays each as it's called?

is there a command in api that says free memory when and how do you use it?

it would be interesting to free the phases from memory at the end.

I hope to receive help in this matter ...!

Registered User
2019-11-17 23:57:30


I would like an example of how to use it better saying!

The description says it's good right after the scene change but how do you use it?

I'm thinking of using it like this;

ccbCleanMemory ();
ccbSwitchToScene ('phase 2');

Clear memory and flame phase.

Registered User
2019-11-18 17:01:06

when you switch from scene A to scene B, scene A will remain in memory so you can return to it later (if needed). If you have several scenes and they all remain in memory, it can become a problem for weaker systems... so if you do not need to go back to a scene, it is better to clear it from memory.
However --- you can not clear scene A if you are in scene B... once in scene B, you will have to restart scene A and then use the ccbCleanMemory (); - to remove it from memory...

Registered User
2019-11-18 17:08:31

this might help you more

Registered User
2019-11-18 21:39:07

Thanks for answering.

Registered User
2019-11-19 00:22:12

I have read and understand that you must restart a scene before you take it out of memory.

ms how do i do to restart a scene?
could you give an example?

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