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ccbPlaySound doesn't work in WebGL but works in *.exe even if done after mouseclick event which I know is required for security.

Registered User
2019-09-18 18:57:17

ccbPlaySound doesn't work in webgl but works in *.exe.
I tried to copy the *.ogg file inside the copperlichtdata folder to see if that helps but it doesn't.


Now the Action inside the IDE itself works but the JavaScript equivalent "ccbPlaySound" doesn't.

Now it should be noted that since Coppercube's ccbPlaySound doesn't work in browsers, the HTML 5 way of doing it is extremely easy anyway:

var sndSound = new Audio();
sndSound.src = "ByYourSide.ogg";;

I just want to know if this is an actual bug or it's a known thing and not a bug that ccbPlaySound doesn't work in WebGL, thanks.

PS: Incase someone is thinking "Oh it is a hosted issue, you must run the site through a server for the sound to load if you want to use ccbPlaySound in WebGL" I can assure you, I tested:
var sndSound = new Audio();
sndSound.src = "ByYourSide.ogg";;
Pure HTML 5 code without running off a hosted server and it works perfectly so there is something really wrong with ccbPlaySound for WebGL.

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