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Click to move multiplayer

2019-07-20 14:44:41

Hi Folks. I have made several attempts at multiplayer and I always find that even when I get it working, I lose performance, frames and I get a lot of crashes.

So I thought to myself...hmmm, maybe the reason why I can't get this right is because I am trying to create live action.

Why not create a game like Dota instead.

Think about this for a second. With a click to move game, the click is the event that gets sent to the server unlike an FPS where you are tracking every single micro movement through a infinite loop.

I believe that by reducing the infinite loop to an event interval click and send the updated event to the server, coppercube could handle this performance quite least on a 2 player mode.

The enemy scene node would still need to run on an infinite loop to detect changes in the event updates, but fundamentally that reduces all actions from the player to singular events. That is a huge performance increase.

It might be doable?


I have been working with Unity, specifically Game Creator Plugin and c but I find that in Unity everything just takes so long to do... I just do not have the time. So back to CC again

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