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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > CopperCube Open discussion
CC6 CCB in CC5

Registered User
2019-07-15 12:34:01

I got it to work with some hex editing. Basically you have to paste everything from the beginning of a CC5 CCB file up to (and including) the "1.0" part into the CC6 file (overwriting the previous content) and then save. Then it will load in 5! However: The animated meshes will disappear for whatever reason + the lightmaps, if applicable, will be messed up so you'll have to recalculate it. Otherwise it seems to work... Oh, and dynamically lit objects won't look right either unless you change the ambient light value in the root scene node.

Just for fun. I'm sure this won't be of use to you guys, but who knows!

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