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is coppercube dev is dead?

2019-06-25 20:13:08

hello, is the dev team of copper cube is dead? no news and no update in plan?

Registered User
2019-06-26 00:40:09

There isn't really a "team" of people who work on the program, for lack of a better way to describe it. Only one person actively maintains it and works on it. He has quite a few other things he works on (Business Magnate, RocketCake, his other programs...). I'd guess now that the engine is free to use (for the most part), he feels that updates aren't as much of a priority as they were before. I'm not a fan of the "free" option at all personally... The way software works now is infuriating. I wish it was the old way: Give a free trial to mess around and get familiar with, and have different editions for purchase. It's more sustainable than just giving 99% of the engine away for free!

Registered User
2019-06-27 04:36:55

Well, making CopperCube free is the best thing he could do because no one would like to buy that thing to just learn Game Development. Now I want him to make it Open-Source too, so every big programmer can edit and make this software compete Unity one day. Well, I am waiting for that day.

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