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Ambiera Forum > RocketCake

Registered User
2019-05-19 10:06:36

It would be nice if you could import an existing site into Rocketcake. I have an existing site created in another program and having to re create it from scratch tough.

I realise that all the features/functions in an existing site may not translate perfectly, but it would still be easier that doing the whole job from page 1

And yes..... a stack more templates that have nice things already done that can be used in my website would be great.

2019-05-20 08:19:13

Yes, that would be nice, the problem is that there is technically no way to make a static website responsive automatically. And for such a feature to exist, it would have to do that.

Registered User
2019-05-21 10:03:28

OK... I get that. What about a site that is responsive?

I guess Coffecup HTML editor is a different animal that can import any website.

I mean, RC cannot even open a local published site created by itself. If we lose the .rcd how do we edit a site that we have created and published.

Registered User
2019-05-28 07:59:16

OK... I have purchased Rocket cake.
I like it.

Just one thing to confirm... related to my previous question.
After I have published my website, i presume that it is impossible to edit the website using RocketCake if I lose the .rcd file.

Recently, I accidentally deleted a .rcd file that I as working on, and even though I have published the site to my local disk, I was unable to find a way to open it to continue editing.

Registered User
2019-05-28 14:11:25

Yes, you need to keep the .rcd file. It contains your design and the rules and styles and code etc. Just make a backup of it and you should be fine.

Registered User
2019-05-28 17:29:27

After I published the new version of my website, Additional I save the new. rcd-file also online in the same folder. (as a precaution)

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