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irrmesh to Blender?

Registered User
2019-05-17 16:32:33

Just curious: Can I somehow import an IrrMesh into a modeling package such as Blender? I think if I can import it, I can export it as a B3D and have the lighting / shadow info baked into the mesh (thanks to srfstudio for the technique) and then use realtime shadows for characters!

Registered User
2019-05-17 17:58:59

Yeah, +1 for that one :) I've tried these: DeleD, fragMOTION, MilkShape, Blender & Assimp but none worked. Only successful export I had was to Obj but I had to export each node separately (without second UV) & re-apply textures in Blender.

My first idea was to export scene together with lightmaps generated in CopperCube so that I don't have to redo second UV mapping & just re-render existing lightmaps in Blender.
When that failed I just wanted to export scene so that I can do everything related to lightmapping outside of CopperCube.
When that failed & I managed to export single node to Obj without assigned textures I gave up :)

But if anyone managed to export Irrmesh with textures (with or without second UV sets) it would be great to learn how :)

Registered User
2019-05-17 18:23:42

Ah, darn... Yeah, I have a feeling that the irrmesh exporter isn't working properly since I can't get any of them to open in tools which support the format (assimp)...

I personally love CC's built-in lightmapper, it's just the single-core limitation is incredibly annoying. I'm processing a small section of a level at this very moment and it's been going on for 2 hours and 20 minutes. Almost done, but gosh, I'll be frustrated if it doesn't look right...

Niko's told me that GI is much more complex than the standard shadows mode, hence why it takes a lifetime to calculate.. It's a bit of a tease since I use a workstation with 12 cores and 24 threads total + 24 GB of RAM. Imagine if CC could utilize all of those cores and threads. It'd be near real-time I'm sure!

Registered User
2019-05-18 00:16:02

Hahaha I totally understand liking something & wanting to work in it but dude: 12 cores, 24 threads & 24 GB of RAM :D :D Please, please, please use different program for lightmapping :)

As for Irrmesh, probably the stupidest idea in a long time occurred to me & I will give it a go in a next few days: maybe rippers can extrude scene geometry with second UV :) Not Dx3Drripper because of view distortions but maybe NinjaRipper can pull something useful :)

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