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Problem parsing string and values

2009-06-11 17:11:02


i've a problem with my xml parser when i want to add text to parse and not only intvalues.

here is my xml file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!--This is a config file for the Irrlicht Engine Mesh Viewer.-->
<WindowWidth width='1024'/>
<WindowHeight height='768'/>
<Fullscreen fullscreen='0'/>
<messageText starttext="Please select your preferred driver
(a) D3D 9.0c
(b) D3D 8.1
(c) OpenGL 1.5
other key to exit"

my code for loading the values correctly:

while( xml && xml->read() )
if (!strcmp("messageText", xml->getNodeName()))
starttext = xml->getAttributeValue("starttext");
else if ( !strcmp( "WindowWidth", xml->getNodeName() ) )
params.WindowSize.Width = xml->getAttributeValueAsInt( "width" );
else if ( !strcmp( "WindowHeight", xml->getNodeName() ) )
params.WindowSize.Height = xml->getAttributeValueAsInt( "height" );
else if ( !strcmp( "Fullscreen", xml->getNodeName() ) )
params.Fullscreen = xml->getAttributeValueAsInt( "fullscreen" );

and here the code "like in the tutorial". but this doesn't work neither with the text nor the values.

while( xml && xml->read() )
case io::EXN_ELEMENT:
if (!strcmp("messageText", xml->getNodeName()))
starttext = xml->getAttributeValue("starttext");

if ( !strcmp( "WindowWidth", xml->getNodeName() ) )
params.WindowSize.Width = xml->getAttributeValueAsInt( "width" );
else if ( !strcmp( "WindowHeight", xml->getNodeName() ) )
params.WindowSize.Height = xml->getAttributeValueAsInt( "height" );
else if ( !strcmp( "Fullscreen", xml->getNodeName() ) )
params.Fullscreen = xml->getAttributeValueAsInt( "fullscreen" );

can someone help me?

2009-06-12 12:56:28

Your xml file is invalid. The opening message text tag is never closed.

2009-06-16 17:55:41

i already managed it btw (i didn't have any knowledge with xml files ) but when i look in the tutorial xml file

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- This is a config file for the mesh viewer -->
<model file="dwarf.dea" />
<messageText caption="Irrlicht Engine Mesh Viewer">
Welcome to the Mesh Viewer of the &quot;Irrlicht Engine&quot;.

it seems to be as the author did the same thing with the messagetext like me?

my file now looks like this and works for fine for me.
thx for help

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!--Text when starting the game for choosing videodriver-->
<StartText text='Please select your preferred driver
(a) D3D 9.0c
(b) D3D 8.1
(c) OpenGL 1.5
other key to exit'/>

<!--Text when starting the game for choosing realtime shadows-->
<ShadowText text='Press "y" if you want to use realtime shadows'/>

<!--Configvalues of the game: graphics, sounds, etc-->
<WindowWidth width='1024'/>
<WindowHeight height='768'/>
<Fullscreen fullscreen='0'/>
<Sound sound='0'/>

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