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The Machine - Multiplayer Project using TCP

2018-12-28 10:29:14

Hi folks.

I have decided to build a multiplayer game in coppercube.

When I first started with Coppercube I tried multiplayer with http using coppercube long poling features in the Javascript API.

This turned out to be impossible due to the fact that coppercube cached many of the responses and it would take around 3 seconds for each request to the server.

Therefore I then tried to develop a multiplayer version using perl and mysql connections directly. This did not work either as the best responses that I was able to get was about 500 milliseconds and perl would fall over and crash very often. I figured that a direct mysql connection might work because mysql uses TCP. Mysql was simply too slow and thus I realised that the project would fail and therefore I cancelled the project.

My third attempt brings us to present day. I am using node.js which I have compiled into a portable exe. I use TCP to send the packets to the server and I use simple text files instead of mysql to manage the communications between the client and the server.

This is working fantastically . I am getting really excellent speeds... around a few milliseconds for each request.

I have decided to blog about the project as I go along and I will also do vlogs.

If you would like to follow the project, I have set up a website. If you register with the website you are also registering for the game when it is complete.

I have managed to connect coppercube to wordpress through some clever coding, so when you log into wordpress you are actually logging into my game. Single sign on.

May I request that people start registering for my website, so that you guys can discuss and follow the progress as I update you on it. I will also describe in detail through vlogs on how I am doing this.

Please click here to sign up

Registered User
2018-12-28 17:06:08

I registered but was unable to find the game launcher :( There was nothing in the upper left corner to start the game.

2018-12-28 17:26:35

oh its you again trying to get gullible members to sign up.

what happened to your big job offering? *poof* it goes

no thanks and stop with this nonsense.

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