jkh Registered User |
2018-10-08 18:08:14 |
I have just gotten back to trying to website: www.kennyhughes.net and the index.html page does OK but when hyperlinks are clicked the pages show up as HTML page. I have never gotten You Tube to work per program. I tried months ago to work on web site but had to quit until now so wondering if one the other Programs work betten than WebsitePainter as I have not been able to get this program down without the errors ect. or if there are any up-dates to program???
niko Moderator |
2018-10-09 10:33:42 |
That's because you need to have the ending "html" for your pages. You just named them for example "rving_stuff_page", but it should be named "rving_stuff_page.html". Then it will work.
joenoes Registered User |
2019-02-15 17:25:13 |
hello in is some whane can help my whane i make a site white rocket cake and i upload to mi server den is so a wordt document whane i brose one de site www.dehitcarrouseluutgrunn.nl wat doe i rongg