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Realtime shadows for selected nodes

Registered User
2018-09-20 01:12:45

Could the realtime shadow feature be modified / extended so you can enable it for specific nodes, such as animated characters but not the environment itself?

My project is looking fantastic now that I've got the lighting and shadows at a decent state, but the lack of character shadows is very unappealing! That, and the lack of bumpmaps for light-mapped scenes is a big bummer and a downer.

2018-09-21 08:31:01

But the animated characters should cast light onto the environment, and the environment itself should not cast on itself?


But wait, actually, that's possible, I think. If you have a static mesh as environment, then this works:
Simply uncheck the "Occludes Light" option for the environment. But then again, this doesn't work if the environment has "static (lightmaps)" light, only dynamic. So that's probably also not what you want.

Registered User
2018-09-21 08:59:19

Ah, shoot. Well, then I'm screwed... hmm. A shame.. The visuals that the current rendering engine has is ideal for my project and the lack of really nice shadows (I have one of the levels all lit up and pretty now - It's just the characters are an issue) is a bummer, but it's alright. I'm sure there's a way to fake character shadows... I'll come up with something surely

Registered User
2018-09-22 13:29:22

@j9907 - let us know if you do - shadows look TERRIBLE currently.


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