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forum topic indicator Flash support in CC6!
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Registered User
2018-09-18 16:05:08

Not sure if this still works as intended, but I just successfully wrote a SWF file of my game via the command-line (the Flash export parameter). It wrote the file, but it was rather small (15 MB - the game project file is 72 MB so it probably didn't work right).

How do I play SWF games made with CC5 on PC without uploading it? As in, have it be standalone? The SWF projector isn't working.

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2018-09-18 16:21:13

flash is compressed so the size reduction sounds correct. i think you have to play it through the html wrapper coppercube provides, and you may have to allow flash to access the local directory of the file in the flash settings.

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Registered User
2018-09-19 13:08:23

Interesting. Well, doesn't the Flash target run purely in software mode anyways? I personally have no use for Flash since my game is too large to even come close to running decently in software mode (unless I made a separate version / a fork which has much less detail and lower quality audio)

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2018-09-19 13:36:20

huh, yeah i dunno... i think with javascript addons an html wrapper is needed. i had to abandon flash after it was assassinated some years ago.

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Registered User
2018-09-19 14:28:21

It doesn't run in software, if uses actual 3d hardware acceleration.
I think you can just open chrome and drag the .swf file into it.

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2024-01-11 09:03:43

How did you manage to export as flash please?

I was considering buying CCB v5.6 for that exact purpose; to test coppercube games on my Sony PSPgo as it runs 2D swf games perfectly and even manages low poly 3D flash games amoothly.

My new laptop arrives next week so I can finally get back to using coppercube, although Ive probably lost all my recent work, I want to try making some simple PSP eboot games using coppercubes swf export, didnt realise v6.xx could do that too

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2024-01-11 09:20:31

@VP, you can try using the command line Interface to publish the app as a .swf file if you own the professional or studio edition of CC.

check the documentation here for command line interface.

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2024-01-11 09:26:16

Nice one just in case. Thank you.

Looks like the command is...

CopperCube -file:scene.ccb -publish:Flash -quit

Ill hopefully be able to give it a try next week.

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2024-01-11 09:32:42

as for the op, jnot tested but ust found this info...

Convert SWFs to EXEs

Flash SWF files can be converted to standalone executables. However, this will only work for simpler Flash games that are not sitelocked. We recommend that you add games to Flashpoint instead.

JPEXS Flash Decompiler can create EXEs from SWFs. Click File -> Save as EXE.
Older Macromedia Flash projectors provide the menu option File/Create Projector.
The SWF to EXE tool works, but the included projector should be replaced with the newest version:
This SWF can be used to create EXEs

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2024-01-11 21:00:07

@j9909 what exactly do i need to type in the cli to export swf from 6.6 studio edition, i cant get it to export swf at all


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2024-01-14 00:54:29

Finally got a homemade game running on PSPgo but had to use a different game engine to export it. Has single click export but has no sound support and features are quite limited. I imagine coppercube can do the same if you know how to export as swf using cli. Pretty tempted to saveup and purchase ccb v5 for $90 to test it as can publish to swf direct from coppercube editor. Ive always felt that coppercube could make some decent games for the PSP. Anyone know if there is a way to re_enable the export to swf platform support in ccb6.6 using code or plugin or batch file etc. thanks

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Registered User
2024-01-14 11:14:24

here is the link where to download the latest version of Coppercube with SWF export.
you can use Coppercube in demo version but I don't remember what limitations it has.

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2024-01-14 20:58:03

Thanks pmax! Its a 2 week trial but everything seems to work as expected. It doesnt seem old either, very similar workflow and gui to 6.6.

Unfortunately my v6 pro and studio serials dont unlock v5.7.

I had incorrectly assumed swf export was disabled in the trial but I figured out why it wasnt exporting from 5.7... I forgot to save the ccb first.... After saving the project, it then publishes to swf properly.

At least the trial will give me a good chance to test a few coppercube swf imports on the PSP to see if it warrants another purchase.

Thanks for the link PMAX. much appreciated.

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2024-01-14 21:18:50

Hey, VP. Nice to see this old topic revived :)

Contact Niko and see if he'll generate a license for 5 Pro for you. He likely will. Just show proof that you have one for version 6.

I don't know if an SWF published from CC will work on a PSP. The reason being versions later than 4.5.1 can't export SWF files which support lower than Player version 11. The PSP uses version 6...

Version 2.2.3 is probably your best bet, as that has no Molehill support:

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2024-01-14 21:31:49

Thank you. Makes sense. I can confirm 5.7 doesnt work on PSP, probably for the reasons you explained. Ill give v2.xx a whirl tomorrow and see if it works. Even just 2D overlays and sound would be good enough to be honest. Nice one j9907, I appreciate the help.

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