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FMV choice-based games

Registered User
2018-09-15 21:16:55

So this is a crazy idea I had:

You know how there are some games out there which have a multi-choice system in place, right? Also, if you know about the Sega CD, that (failed) system had full motion videos for the gameplay aspect.

This got me to think: Could this be done in CC? I think this can be, provided you have the Professional edition of either 5 or 6 and then you could make variables for the choices the player makes. Gosh it would be very complex... I like the idea of full-motion games though. It's neat.

2018-09-16 18:31:14

hey great idea! i own a Sega CD. it would totally work in CopperCube... (in theory)...

p.s. i think this is more for the open discussion area...

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