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Moved by wind shadows

Registered User
2018-09-13 01:16:47

Is there a way to disable shadows for grass, or any "moved by wind" mesh. For the life of me I can't find a way and have been looking through the forum. I'm not not a fan of the look of grass shadows, but would like to keep the built in wind system.

To create my own grass / bushes, and distribute over terrain.
Modify Selection -> Clone as static animated mesh -> Create instance

Shadow seams to be linked to animated mesh, but without "OccludesLight" option.

I've never imported an animated mesh, so I'm not sure if this is just set by Coppercubes built in function.

Finally found my answer.

Niko had previously answered almost a year ago, that there is currently no way to disable shadows for animated meshes, and that it is on the todo list.

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