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Question about Morph Shapes and Nodes

Registered User
2018-09-11 20:49:38

Hi guys,

So just a couple quick question, I've been read and watching some videos about the Coppercube engine and everything I've seen so far I've absolutely loved.

I have been left with a couple of questions though, I hope someone can help. I believe in the latest update CC now supports FBX files, but do we have a way to programmatically interface with morph shapes, i.e. for sliders in a creating character system? I believe in order for a character creation system to work, I would need someway to save the changes made to the default model and then re-apply those changes every time the model is loaded/scene changes correct?

Secondly I see that nodes are supported on models, so we can attach objects to certain body parts, guns in hands and so on. Can this be expanded into a clothing system? I'm assuming as long as say, a jacket is using the same armature and is rigged properly it should be able to sit atop an existing mesh if its attached to the right node/nodes?

Thanks in advance


Registered User
2018-09-12 01:11:12

Question 1:

I think with morphs, this can't be done (at least I don't think so). For having persistent changes across the different scenes, take a look at the "Load / Save variable" action which I think is found in the "Special" category. It stores simple values. Just set variables for the accessories and other stuff to 0 at the start of the scene and when you go to a different scene, have it load the variables and do a check: Does "variablename" equal 1? if so, then switch the mesh out.

Question 2:

I looked into this when I wanted to do a Sims 2 remake. The only form of customization I was able to come up with is simple color changes for the meshes (so you can change the shirt pattern to another one) and, again, save variables to save the changes and have the variable load when the player starts the game again. Have it check "does "greenshirt' equal 1? if so, then switch the texture".

In short: CC can make reasonably complex games, but it still has limits. For some things, you'll have to cheat a bit and do some trickery to accomplish specific things. For instance, you can't disable character movement. A workaround I found for this is in my sims 2 remake, I made it so when you interact with an object it will change the active camera to one near the object and will stay that way until you choose to break out of the action.

2018-09-12 05:04:51

Regarding question 1....

Well, i don't know much about the question one, may be you can do something using javascript mesh editing api, but am not sure if it will work or not....

regarding to question 2....

@jendevoka, the thing you asked regarding the shirt can be posiible....but it will be required that the shirt will have same armature as well as same animations...

@j9907 to stop the movement you can use set variable behavior and then use the global movemesnt variable...

"Player.movementspeed" here player is the scenenode of your player.... And there is also a hashtag sign before the player.....and set this variable value to 0.
It will stop the movement of the scenenode...on a sidenote... Your scene node must be moving with the move object with keyboard behavior to work with this method....

I always use this method to disable the built in W,A,S,D keys, and use the movement with arrow keys only.....

Hope it also works for you...

Registered User
2018-09-13 14:45:51

Coppercube is not DAZ or Carrara - which allow you to morph 3d characters with sliders depending on their rig.

You would have to program that yourself in Javascript or buy studio and program that into the c++ code. A SERIOUS undertaking.

Better to use something like Mixamo to auto-rig the asset (t-pose required) and add motions or then bring into software like Fragmotion or any serious 3D animation software (Maya, 3D Studio, Modo, Cinema 4D, etc) and animate the character.

Coppercube works GREAT with rigged and animated models.

My advice is to get Ultimate Unwrap 3D Pro (pay for it) and then export your characters to either b3d, direct x or FBX 2015. Then use the animation module to set the animations.

Works great for me.


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