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Open website in exe?

Registered User
2018-09-07 14:57:45

Is it possible to open a website (or at least local html file) inside game window, not open link in browser?

This is very easy in WebGL builds but I haven't been able to do it in exe :(

2018-09-08 20:28:04

Yes... coppercube executes bat files and external exe files from the command line within the engine...

Simply execute DOS shell code to execute bat file which opens the website link from windows...

Requires Javascript. I have done it before...

2018-09-08 20:29:04

correction, execute bat file with DOS shell commands to open website

2018-09-08 20:54:22

AFAIK, there is currently no possible method to open a webpage/website into the game itself.... you can only open link,webpages/websites in external browser...

Registered User
2018-09-08 23:16:19

@Zoo Thank you for reply, I tried the command approach & it worked great but I need to open additional files inside the main game window/canvas.

@just_in_case I appreciate your reply, sadly that was also my conclusion after experimenting.

But what drives me crazy is the fact that this is extremely easy in HTML5, I can create DIVs, buttons, iframes, assign functions, do anything. It works like a charm also in Coopercube WebGL exports, it took me 10 min to setup a functional dialog scene with external html files.

I think that the main problem with exe builds is that they don't recognize 'document', 'canvas' or 'window' references :(

But anyway I officially gave up, I have a bunch of game-dialog in HTML files that are now useless :( I started translating them to Coopercube-compatible js files/actions, the tests went through o.k., it's not hard, it just feels stupid that I can't use original html files :)

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Link [url] [/url]
Bold [b]bold text[/b]
Image [img][/img]
Quote [quote]quoted text[/quote]
Code [code]source code[/code]



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