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Serious problem with Fog and Skyboxes

Registered User
2018-07-15 15:56:53

If you use a skybox and then a very ambient amount of fog, the skybox is clearly visible ruining the effect.

For a sewer level, I turned the ambient black, the background color black and turned on fog with a 0,0,0 black color. The idea is to make it very gloomy (I may even make it a subtle very dark green since it's a sewer) and use a flashlight to light the scene even though there is some orange lights that are barely bright enough to light the scene - on purpose.

I have it almost where I want it, but fog has been touch and go.

Once you wander outside the sewer, the skybox becomes apparent in this case. I am using vignetting as well and that does not help.

Any way to hide all this or use a spherical sky? I would really like to have a sky with multi-layered clouds that are animated. I see no way to do this currently in Coppercube.


2018-07-16 08:29:10

Currently fog affects this, there is currently no way to change that sorry.
You could disable or change the fog color dynamically, though, if your camera moves out of the sewer, maybe. Ugly hack, but it would work.

2020-01-23 11:17:33

In the irrLict properties of the skybox you can check the fog option which should allow it to be fogged out somewhat.

You can layer different skyboxes using png textures and start at 1,1,1 then 0.9,0.9,0.9 etc to layer different ones. I have used this in my game and looks fine.

The fog however is not 100% - more like 95% as at certain points near the edge of the screen when you move left/right the background sometimes comes through the fog for a fraction of a second only at certain angles. Its noticeable sometimes but not terrible either...

If its a large map area make sure to change the visual distance of the camera else will look all wrong during the fog.

2020-12-09 12:51:40

Once you make view distance very far will fix most problems.

The you are left with about 20% of the time you can see through the fog to the skybox corners....nothing I found can fix this.

Maybe try a skydome instead, with no corners should work as expected then...

2021-02-02 07:30:08

This is strange, I was under the impression that the skybox is fully affected by fog. I actually didn't want that, as I am using a skybox that has a horizon that fades to the fog color, see here:
. But I had an other problem then, dynamicly lit meshes faded to white in the fog, despite other fog color. btw. I just dropped in and may leave a first impression resume in an other thread.

2021-02-02 07:32:40

uh sorry, image url was wrong

2021-02-04 03:53:13

very nice clouds actually - can I had a copy to see if I can use it ?

I used to see white objects in the snow but not sure if I still get that now...have to check but think not.
Try playing with the advanced settings for fog and draw distance also.

2021-02-04 14:03:57

So you want my skybox? :)
A good skybox makes a huge diffrence.
that said, this one has no horizon and bottom.

2021-02-05 01:49:36

csp-games wrote:
So you want my skybox? :)
A good skybox makes a huge diffrence.
that said, this one has no horizon and bottom.

Thanks for the link - looks pretty nice, just might be able to use that one with modified transparency and colors...

I separate out everything in my game so I can control each part separately. Not always easy to get just atmosphere, or just clouds, or just the sun etc....this looks promising , cheers

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