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V6 - 3D ViewPort Feature Requests

Registered User
2018-07-03 22:14:06

All though a minor thing (maybe), it's a request for some improvements in the user interface. Not necessarily in looks (all though improvements there would be nice too), it's more to do with user interaction.

The focus of this post is in the 3D view-port. If anyone else wants to add their thoughts on UI improvements, feel free to add them here. Maybe pooling our thoughts together might help.

I'm finding navigating around the 3D view-port to be a bit jarring and stressful. Here are some thoughts.

1/ Tumbling around selected/Focused objects. Maybe whiel holding Ctrl+F you can tumble around the focused object. When released, you go back to normal?

2/ Add W,S,A,D navigation to default user cam. Also maybe add Q,E, for Up and Down. Maybe Like in Godot, make this functionally work only when tumbling so as not to mess with the Q,W,E,R keys.

3/ Lastly... a proper spherical Rotate handle? The one right now is way to similar to the scale handle.

Thank you,
Enjoying the software. :)

Registered User
2018-07-04 00:48:16

Hi. I share point 2, fully! it would be very convenient to navigate with the WASD keys, especially in my case that I work on maps with internal environments and subdivided into rooms on several levels principally.

I love the lightness of Coppercube, in general it is very comfortable in the 3D view (I've seen worse), I'd like a small pop-up menu to activate the movement of objects (snap)by setting the grid of the scene (as in Godot Engine, the same! comfortable). In addition to this the addition of the views (orthographic, perspective, division to 4 views, wireframe, and more), always in the small menu that can be activated in the 3D view. Some of these features already exist in the hotbar at the top left, removing these features from the hotbar and inserting them in the 3D view creates more space for new useful features that the user frequently uses.

A system for drawing rooms would be useful, the world editor is very nice, but some users realize projects based on rooms (level dungeon style).

A practical and customized system to make main menus? can be activated with ESC in-game?

I read the tutorials, very useful and it would be nice to improve the best system to implement the camera path (to create interlude scenes, for example start and end level, or as a presentation of the maps in the main menu).

Maybe I asked too much! I apologize if I went any further

Registered User
2018-07-05 05:29:39

New camera geometry would be great. something more than just a cube. It would help in giving the user a general idea of where the camera is pointing. I know there is that aim cube, but still I think we can do better than a cube for the camera.

2018-07-06 07:30:56

Thanks for the constructive feedback! I'll have a look into this. It's unfortunately a bit too close now to put this into version 6, but maybe for an update.

About point 2: It works with the cursor keys already, did you try that?

Registered User
2018-07-20 03:49:12

I agree with morbott. We definitely need those 3 feature especially the first one.
Also WSAD keys are much more convenient then cursor keys which is why they are use in fps and third person for movement :)

I would like to add few more suggestions

4) Currently the gizmo only allows movement and rotation in global space.It should allow you to move and rotate in local space too.

5) gizmo should allow movement and scaling in xy, yz,zx planes Also scaling in all three directions.

6) gizmo should provide for snap movement, rotation and scaling

I think these are basic stuff an editor should have, The lack of these capabilities undermine an otherwise great editor.

Registered User
2018-07-20 05:19:50

I completely agree with you, ssatguru. I was coming here to start a list of my own, but you and morbott hit some of my main ones already.

Just to reiterate, the editor should do the following:

Grid/Object Snapping

The end-user should be able to snap to a grid (as well as objects) and adjust a grid snapping size. We should be able to turn this feature on/off in the UI, so it should be easily accessible (not buried in a menu somewhere).

We should be able to set up snapping for rotations. Often 15 degrees is good, but the end-user should be able to define this according to their needs.

Proper Viewport Camera

The CopperCube viewport camera should rotate about the center of the viewport and not about the center/axis of the camera. The current method makes it difficult to move about the viewport to edit geometry. A function should be added to bring a selection to focus. This would not move the geometry, but move the camera, positioning it so that the selection is at the center of the viewport. This would allow the end-user to easily get to and edit geometry in the viewport.

Better Gizmos

The current gizmos for moving, scaling, and rotating, only allow you to work on one axis at a time. With scaling, it is many times necessary to scale along two or even all three axis at the same time. While we can currently scale along all three axis by holding down the shift key while dragging one of the handles, it would be great to be able to scale along two axis at the same time.

Sometimes you need to move some geometry along the XY, or YZ or XZ axis. Currently you have to move along one, then the other. Being able to move along two would be useful.

The rotation gizmo should add the ability to not only rotate along X, Y, or Z, but to also rotate according to the screen. Many 3D programs do this and it is a great help at times.

WASD Movement Keys

Currently we can move about the viewport using the arrow keys, but this is not ideal. Being able to use the WASD keys, as in a game, would be great. What would be better, I think, is if there were a "game mode" (or some such) where the end-user could click a button and move about the level as if they were in the game. With the "game mode" button activated, the WASD keys would be used to move and the mouse would then behave like in a FPS game. It is often nice to be able to "fly" though a level before publishing it to test it. It's an easy way to look for things to adjust in your level. It could work by activating a "game mode" button and then only with the LMB pressed down. When the LMB is released, then the mouse cursor would re-appear so "game mode" could be turned off. Just an idea.

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