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Bug with image selection

Registered User
2018-05-25 02:45:26

My website is using the "Creative Consult" template as its base, which I am then customising. One of these changes is modifying the backdrop image a bit, whch I then re-saved as a new JPG with a new filename in a new folder.

However, RocketCake won't let me change the backdrop file in the editor. It still points to the original backdrop image, as seen below. I note, however, that I can change that image to any other image there.

It's only when I go to select my modified template backdrop image from another folder, that RocketCake is mistaking it for the original backdrop image again:


And while we're on this subject, why does the file path have forward slashes instead of backslashes?

Registered User
2018-05-25 05:26:06

Could be that you have to change it on all pages and looking on a page where you haven't changed the image yet?
Or maybe you are using that "reduce image size" feature in RocketCake, and it applies it to your image, and then stores it there?

I think back or forward slashes don't matter, since RocketCake is a cross platform app.

Registered User
2018-05-25 06:00:33

Hmm, I had to delete all pages (except my index page) and then choose NOT to resize the amended image when I got prompted, for it to be recognized. So I'd say it's a bug, especially since (as I pointed out above) I could successfully put any other image there... just not the amended one. As a new user, I expect to see the file there, that I put there.

2018-05-25 11:31:30

This is because you chose to have this image reduced. You can rename the image on disk and then it should work.

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