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Do later script - restart the ms counting?

2018-04-18 17:24:51

Hello everybody

I have a question regarding the do later action:

I want that if I click on some objects a 2dOverlay should appear for 2 seconds.

I discovered that if I click again on the object BEFORE the 2 seconds have passed, the 2dOverlay would disappear exactly 2 seconds after the first click instead of remain for 2 more seconds.

It is really annoying, can someone help please?


Registered User
2018-04-19 06:39:33

You could store a variable that you already clicked on this (set for example "CLICKED_ON_OVERLAY" to 1), and check with an "IF" action if that variable is already set to 1.

2018-04-19 08:40:57

Hello erik, I think that I haven't understand correctly.

Could you please explain in a different way?

How could this variable restart the milisenconds(ms) counter?

Thanks in advance
P.S. Niko, I'm not able to post on this forum with my iPhone, iOS 11.4 (replies are empty, see above)

2018-04-20 07:41:43

He meant it this way:

Where you put your "do later action" to make the object invisible, don't place it here. Instead, do it this way:
- Add a if a 'variable has a value' action.
- Set the variable name to "OVERLAY_DISAPPEAR"
- Set the "if" to "is not equal to"
- Set the value to 1
- For the actions, add two actions:

- your "do something later" as before.
- a "set or change variable" action, where you set "OVERLAY_DISAPPEAR" to 1

That should do the trick.

And about the forum posting: That's strange, the forum doesn't do anything unusual. Maybe it's something you have installed on your system? Or maybe report the problem to apple?

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