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New windows PC but error finding aapt.exe Android

Registered User
2018-03-02 06:49:21

Hi just got a new windows PC cuz couldn't fix anything with Mac.

Setup android SDK , java SDK and the keystone was successfully created but when trying to publish a APK file I get the error saying:

can't find the aapt.exe file:


Yes maybe set the location to android SDK wrong but your doc isn't clear exactly what to set. Do we set to the root?
In that case it's right as I installed in:
C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio


And here's what I set in CC:


What am I doing wrong and how should the location be set?

2018-03-02 07:03:44

When you installed the Android SDK, did you open the Android SDK Manager using the menu Tools -> Android -> SDK Manager and selected ndroid 2.2 (Froyo / API Level 8) package to install?

If you go to the place where you installed your android sdk (It usually contains folders such as "build-tools", "platforms" and "platform-tools"). This is also the path which should be set in Coppercube. Search with explorer for a file named "aapt.exe". If it isn't somewhere in your SDK, you probably haven't installed the SDK package.

Registered User
2018-03-02 07:07:55

Yes I downloaded the Froyo package and that was set right.

I went to the link you had in your doc though and downloaded what was on the page I was sent to by your doc.

Anyway I couln't find that "aapt.exe" in the explorer search.

Registered User
2018-03-02 07:19:58

Sorry It's now working.

I opened up the Android manager and it showed my the location in the address at the top.

So I set it to the same address in CC and it worked.

Ok now time to make games.

Thank you and sorry I got upset :)

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