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"Play a Sound" Bug. $20 USD for a solution.

Registered User
2018-02-06 15:21:58

Hey everyone,

I have an issue with something quite simple.

I have a button, and I want it to play a LOOPED audio .wav file when I click it. Everytime I click the button however, the audio continues to stack and stack. For example I will click it once, and the audio will play looped as expected. However if I click it 10 more times for example, the audio will stack 10 times and create an absolute mess of sound.

Is there any simple way to get the sound to only play once when clicked and not again if clicked a second time? Any help will be much appreciated.

However gives me the correct answer, I will send you $20 USD on Paypal!


2018-02-06 17:18:30

not exactly a $20 question... so I will give you free advice! when clicked---> set 'if a variable (type "clicked" into variable name) does not equal 1' then ---> play the looped sound, AND set variable "clicked" to 1 in the same action. that should do it.

2018-02-07 12:17:46

Wow awesome thank you so much for helping me out dude!

Registered User
2018-03-02 20:01:29

Hello dear james_wards

tim12345 absolute correct!!
But u also use this few steps-
when clicked do someting- action-play a sound(uncheck-looped)
Then, Use "Do something later" if your audio file is suppose 30sec then set "Do something on later" as 30000 -action-stop a sound.

& when clicked do something- set or change a variable value set as 1
Every few second do someting-if variable value is equal to-1 then-do something later set 30000-stop a sound-
Also add-
when clicked do something-action-if variable value is equal to the 1-stop all sounds...

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