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2 possible bugs regarding the "Follow path" action

Registered User
2018-01-20 06:42:14

The "Follow path" action has some glaring flaws, ti seems. The 2 issues I've found are the following:

1. When you tick the "LookIntoMovement" box and then untick it, the rotation doesn't go back to the previous value which it was at. Obviously if you remember the value, then it's easy enough to revert whatever rotation value is in the "Rotation" box.

2. When you have a character follow a path and then remove the action entirely from them, they will stay at the position which they were in prior to you removing it. It'd be great to see the engine revert the scene node to the position which it was in before you even set the path.

2018-01-22 09:57:16

Thanks, will look into this!

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