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Moving Platforms knocks player off?

Registered User
2017-11-13 02:14:39

So I have a moving platform using a simple straight path set as a closed circle and it looks great, but when my FPS player jumps off it, the platform moves independently from the player. So, in order to stay on the platform, the player has to walk with it.
Is there any way to have it so the player will stay on the platform?


2017-11-13 17:20:03

requested from a lonnnng time....

Registered User
2017-11-13 17:32:47

Haha, had no idea!
I feel like there must be a workaround...?
Could be wrong though.


Registered User
2017-11-13 23:41:01

Okay, so I tried a different approach, by having a platform too far for the FPS player to jump to, so if I press a button, the platform moves closer.
This works, but when I try to jump on it, the player just falls right through.

I tried adding a "collide when moved" behavior to it (and making the capsule fit the platform as best as possible), but then the player gets stuck and the platform slowly falls. (And it's not affected by gravity.)

Registered User
2017-11-14 06:46:09

I created this example of a character that can jump on and off of a platform and move with it:

I hope a smarter person can improve my idea by removing the horrible flaws and sharing it as a "Behavior" or "Action" extension to improve the community.

Registered User
2017-11-14 15:36:48

Looks cool, but to be honest, I'm a little confused as to how it works. Can you just quickly walk me through it?

Thanks so much!

And i completely agree, I have a feeling that something like this can easily be put into an action or behavior, but I have no idea how to do it myself.


Registered User
2017-11-14 16:37:22

A cube is moving around the level like a platform.

You can move toward it with the arrow keys and use the spacebar to jump on it. You can use the spacebar to jump off again.

A flat "Pane" shape is on top of the cube that detects if the Player is within its proximity. If it is, an action is used that causes the Player to move with it. The Player will stop moving with it when the Spacebar is pressed again.

Variables are used to check if the spacebar is pressed and if the Player is in proximity to the Plane shape.

Registered User
2017-11-14 16:50:22

Got it, thanks!

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