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fragMotion error

Registered User
2017-07-07 17:30:39

Guys i have a problem. I have a 3D model with full textures edited with Blender. I Uploaded the zip file to Mixamo, added animation and downloaded the fbx files. Then i use fragMotion to merge the animation to the main model. After that i exported the file with ms3d extention and then i insert it into CopperCube. All of the things work fine but there is no texture. I checked the Material tab and there was only 1 material slot when my model have 6. And then i tried to export the model with b3d extention, still the same. When i export the model with .x extention, the textures are perfect but the animation is missing. I have 16 animation and when i checked the the animated meshes tab there was only 4 animation. i tried to export again but this time there is only 1 animation. Help me pls im new to modeling and sorry for my bad english

2017-07-07 21:49:02

I guess you might need to make a full UV map of your existing model. I mean you just need to make a one normal texture for your model. If you have multiple textures, i suppose the meshes that contain ready model must be joined. In this case you have to check for UV map and configure the positions of the UV elements in Blender.

And about Fragmotion... I highly recommend to export your model as MS3D.
If you are getting one animation on the end, then you need to check that you've added all required animations.

Good luck!

Registered User
2017-07-08 04:27:55

Thanks for the suggestion!

Registered User
2017-07-08 07:57:52

Ok i was gonna try to edit the UVMap but something happended. One of my test ms3d file randomly worked. The textures and animations are fine now. I don't know what did i do but it's work now.

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