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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Programming and Scripting
Does the emissive type for ccbSetSceneNodeMaterialProperty actually do anything ? And how is Texture 1 and 2 reacting ?

Registered User
2017-04-30 23:39:12

Does the emissive type for ccbSetSceneNodeMaterialProperty actually do anything ?
Does it actually causes the mesh to become a light source ?
What would be it's shadow parameters if that is the case ?
But if it does not do that what would be the difference between this and setting material lighting type to none ?

And how is Texture 1 and 2 reacting to each other ?
Overlay ? Additive ? Screen ? Multiply ? It was not stated in the documentation.

Registered User
2017-05-03 07:40:15

No, I don't think it does.

Texture 1 and 2 are depending on the material. For that fake reflection material for example, the second texture is the reflecting map. But for most, only the first texture is used.

Registered User
2017-05-03 19:35:59

Thanks Erik.

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