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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Programming and Scripting
ccbGetSceneNodeMaterialProperty(sceneNode, materialIndex, propertyName), what is this material index thing ?

Registered User
2017-04-30 12:16:05

Ok so I have a mesh with multiple textures assigned to it in the materials panel in coppercube, how do I know what material index which material belongs to in the editor so I can change that specific material in code ?

Registered User
2017-04-30 17:57:24

You can uncheck the option "Group similar materials" in the editor settings, then it is the index as shown in the editor. (0 for the first shown material, 1 for the second and so on)

Registered User
2017-04-30 19:00:09

Thanks erik, this leads one to ask why is "Group similar materials" the default in the first place if it messes up the index order in the inspector.

But it's ok, thanks ! Would be nice if there is a text at the side showing the exact index.

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