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Can I use irrKlang to play a single mp3 sound file to 2 output devices at the same time? (Windows, WPF, C)

2016-06-22 04:48:15


I have written a little "soundboard" app in visual studio (WPF) that plays mp3 files triggered by button presses. Right now I'm simply using the System.Windows.Media MediaPlayer for that, so the sound is played using the currently selected sound output device in Windows (and only one at a time).

Now I would like to ALSO play the same sound to a second output device - specificlly a virtual audio cable. Can I use irrKlang to do that? If so, could you give me a little hint on how to start implementing this? It is important that the same sound file (mp3) is played at the same time, so by listening to it on my headphones (windos default audio output), I know when the sound has finished playing also on the second device which I can't directly monitor.

Thank you in advance!

Registered User
2016-06-22 06:11:47

Yes, you can do that. You can list all devices using ISoundDeviceList and using the string you get from getDeviceID() from there, create a new ISoundEngine() with that string as third parameter. Create one ISoundEngine for each device you want to play audio to.

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