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write numbers to variable.

Registered User
2016-05-01 14:56:19

Okay I had a question from a viewer on my YT channel, about locks for doors. I have made a few but this is what he wanted. A number lock, and while I do have a way to do this, I thought (like in Construct 2) we could have a write to variable.

If click on set >if variable has a value do something> action> write number to variable ( if you click on button (1) then it will write a 1 in the variable.

Then if you click on the number (2) button then it will write a 2 next to the one.

if variable X is + to viable y then do something.


Registered User
2016-05-02 04:05:35

i think you can do using javascipt

I.- Number to string

var number = 10;
var string_var = number.toString();

II.- String to a int or float (number)

var number = "10";
var int_var = parseInt(number);
var float_var = parseFloat(number);

In Ccb only for experiment.

var value = parseInt( ccbGetCopperCubeVariable('my_Ccb_var') );

if ( value > 10 ){
var action = This.Space_Is_For_Niko;

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