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Ambiera Forum > irrKlang
Irrklang playback speed bug

Bogdan Mihai
2016-03-23 23:03:40

I have a problem with the irrklang engine.
I am trying to make a program that can play 4 sounds at a time.
The sounds are organised in patterns (each pattern can have, obviously, a maximum of 4 sounds).
Everything works perfect except when i try to modify the sample tempo and then reduce the playback speed to make the whole track slow down.

Am i doing something wrong when trying to reduce the playback speed?
The "spd" variable is float.
It takes values from 0.0 to 1.0 .

Bogdan Mihai
2016-03-23 23:04:40

The bug is that when i reduce the tempo the app plays fine for a while but then irrklang starts playing the sound too fast or too slow and it just sounds horrible.

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