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Head related transfer function - Irrklang

Registered User
2016-03-01 19:01:41


HRTF is an important part of sound perception.

I would like to know if this fenomenon can be reproduced with Irrklang.
If is it possible, how it can be done?


2016-03-03 15:34:05

Hm, unless the driver of your 3d audio hardware does this in DirectSound, this isn't supported.

Registered User
2016-09-06 05:31:09

hello niko, I know that this topic its... so old to make another answer, but I preffer do this instead of open a repeated thread.
If irrklang currently doesn't Support HRTF directly, as openal soft does... How to you can implement truli 3d audio for non multi chanel settings? For example two speackers or headphones.

IF you simply grab a code, and implements the listener and the source, only the distance and left or right paning affect to the listener, but is imposible know if tthe sound source is behind or front the listener. Witch technikes or solution can you do with the current features of irklan to achieve thisbheabior?
And for the future, are you planing to implement real HRTF on the api?

Thanks for all. Your lib is so amazing! And I need hrtf or something similar for a Project, and i don't want change irrklang for openal! Because that I'm asking alot for that! thanks!

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