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Read more button

Registered User
2012-12-12 17:22:13

I've been using Joomla for the past few years but I want to move away from relying on it too much. I've had Web site painter for about 5 years and I've been using it more lately.

Is Web site painter something that could be used to make a blog with at least 100 articles?

Regarding user comments I think I can get the code from something like Intense Debate and then paste it after each article, right? Then a visitor can make a comment on any article.

One reason I have been sticking with joomla is because of some built in features like the "read more" button.

I'd like to make a "read more" button with articles in web site painter. How would this be done in web site painter? Would I have to make a page with the first paragraph and then another page with the full article?

Another question I have is about databases. Is it possible to link my web site painter site to a mysqli database?


Registered User
2012-12-13 12:45:07

WebsitePainter was designed to create simple pages, but, anyway, yes, you also could create a page with 100 articles. I don't know Intense Debate, but sounds usable for me.
Connecting your page to a database, or adding the "read more" button is probably a bit more difficult. I don't think this could be done without significant amount of web programming.

Registered User
2012-12-28 09:15:27

thanks for the reply.

Now I have a better understanding of what this program is used for.

I use this app to make a simple page for my brother and I used Joomla to make it more complicated website such as blog and e-commerce site

thank you

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Possible Codes

Feature Code
Link [url] [/url]
Bold [b]bold text[/b]
Image [img][/img]
Quote [quote]quoted text[/quote]
Code [code]source code[/code]



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