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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Programming and Scripting
Non coding bug - CopperCube

2025-01-08 08:14:56

I have spent the last 4 hours trying to fix a annoying bug in my main game code and at wits end trying to find what it was as the code looks fine and even works on another blank test scene.

i found out it was nothing to do with my code at all but the damn extension limit of what extensions CopperCube allows to be refreshed using the "Reload and verify extensions" facility.

The limit is around 40 or something so if you have loaded others test scenes it will auto add any extensions into your extensions folder and just increase over time.

What is needed is a warning that the limit is used up and you need to make room to load any new ones !!

Niko - you there ??

2025-01-08 12:31:57

Looks to be a dual problem actually.

The other problem, I found was setting up a new vector3d to a default variable and then setting other variables to equal the default variable without actually saying 'new vector3d(0,0,0)' each and every time.

This broke my code actually but only in certain ways...very strange but confirmed this is a problem and no error messages either...

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