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The newly designed bathrooms are now available in the demo. If you like to check it out, follow this link: Here is an example of what it looks like: I have corrected the mirrors so it actually looks like a mirror again. New updates will follow soon. |
I got the idea to actually use the fake mirrors in the game to display a 'hint' written in graffiti style on the toilet stall doors. As you look to the toilet stalls there is a message written backwards. To read it just take a look in the mirror:) I need to put some more graffiti in later to mask the hint in the mirror so it isnt really noticeable. You can test the demo at: Here is what it looks like: |
The project is better and better, the mirrors are very cool! |
Todays work: In my last video I created a mirror that displays a hint for the player to 'check the floor'. Now when the player stands in the correct spot on the floor, a hidden switch will be activated. This switch causes to slide the painting in the ladiesroom so another 'safe' becomes visible. Now the Switch is activated upon 'weight' the player will then realise he does not have enough time to unlock the safe, since after a short period of time the painting will close up again. The key is to put some 'weight' on the Switch panel and im planning to use the gold you can retreive from the first 'Safe' (the one behind the cardboard boxes) to acomplish this.... to be continued :) The demo is available on my website: |
Finally completed the Floorswitch puzzle where you need the gold to permanently activate the floorswitch :) |
Who does remember 'Zoltar'? :) Video includes sound. New gamefile will be uploaded soon |
Made some minor adjustments to the 'Zoltar' machine -Eyes are lit upon activation and the red gem on the head is blinking now. -The globe displays 'stars' and a purple glow upon activation. -Added some particles of flies to the trashbags in the mensroom. The new demo is available on my website to be continued... |
Added a Blacklight and some UV paint so i can display Hints in the game. Also made some changes to the Zoltar machine and added the effect of a 'spell'. Each time you use the Zoltar machine to receive a 'Hint' card It will deduct 15 minutes of the 1Hour gameplay. (or atleast im planning something like that) Video includes sound and i have uploaded the new demo to my website. Enjoy! |
Added A clock to the scene that is running time backwards. When using the UV light 4 digits wil be lit. These 4 digits are the key to safe number 2. the key is: The digits will have to be entered backwards since the clock is running backwards as well :) |
Good job, shadynl. I'm actually secretly a good fan of your game, keep on with the good work |
Thanks for your kind words Monk! Today i have reached a big milestone in my game. I have finally come up with a way to hide the 4 digit code to open safe number 2 and i have hidden the digits in the clock on the wall. I have searched the internet for months on riddles and puzzles but nothing was really compatible with my game, untill i figured how to create a fake ‘blacklight’ and some ‘UV paint’. It takes a lot of time to think of something original and implement it in the game. But im almost there now! Assuming the player opened safe number 1 and obtained the gold he could then go and open safe numer 2 in where he will find the crowbar. With the crowbar obtained, the player can break open the hatch hidden under the carpet in the kitchen and head for the basement that eventually leads to the exit….. that is the idea, and now i finally reached this milestone development will advance a lot faster. The basement section is already there. You might be able to see it in one of my older videos on my youtube channel. Best regards. |
Added some more 'UV paint' as a distraction from the clock. New gamefile is available right now on my website |
New idea for my basement... |
Decided to go with the original basement, but i felt it needed an upgrade so it looks a bit better. I have added a 'Toxic gas' that escapes from the bottom of the basement. It took a lot of testing tonight to get it just right and it has been made out of particles. |