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2024-10-29 21:16:47

Hey ppl, I really need your help :) I wanna add sounds in a program using opengl therefore I decided to try irrKlang; I downloaded the package and did the configuration to be able to use it in Embaracero-Dev-C++ (I added the include files, the .dll files and libreries in my C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Dev-Cpp\TDM-GCC-64 folder from the download package of irrKlang). Also I configured the compile options adding -lirrKlang. I did this bc i wanna be able to access to the library in any program, no in a specific project.

At the moment I compile my basic program (testing) there's a error about dev cannot find my irrKlang.h, which i do not understand why bc dev has access to the lib and everything , you have any idea what could be happening?

My program is these one:

include <iostream>

include <irrKlang.h>

using namespace irrklang;

int main() {

ISoundEngine* engine = createIrrKlangDevice();

if (!engine) {

std::cout << "No se pudo iniciar irrKlang" << std::endl;

return 0;


engine->play2D("./media/getout.ogg", true);

std::cout << "Reproduciendo sonido. Presiona ENTER para salir..." << std::endl;

std::cin.get(); // Espera a que el usuario presione ENTER

engine->drop(); // Libera el motor de sonido

return 0;


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