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Blockbench models missing back when imported

Registered User
2024-10-01 17:44:04

Hello Copper Cube 6 forum, this is my first post. I seem to be having problems with Blockbench models in Copper Cube 6.

It first started with a glowstick model I made, one of the faces of the cylinder I used to create the glowstick in question was missing, it was completely see-through, which, while odd, I just thought I messed up while making the model somewhere, so I decided to create another model, this one a vending machine. exported as obj from Blockbench and imported in Copper Cube a static mesh, just as I did with the glowstick model, lo and behold, the back of the vending machine was completely gone, despite the fact that I modeled and painted it in Blockbench. The top, bottom, and sides of the model are all still there, and look exactly as I painted them in Blockbench, only the back is missing.

Anyone have any idea as to why this might be happening?

2024-10-01 18:25:53

It's just a flipped UV, quite common in blockbench. You can either select the faces in blockbench and flip the UV or simply select double-sided texture in the material property of the model in coppercube. Also, different export formats from blockbench (FBX vs DAE) will automatically fix this - not sure which format is best to export, I forgot.

2024-10-01 18:30:55

I meant "flipped normal", not "flipped UV" but solution is the same either way.

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