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What to do if the game keeps crashing when you get close to the enemy

Registered User
2024-09-10 18:53:39

Hello everyone,

I’m facing an issue with my hunting game created in Coppercube. The game is in Portuguese (Brazil) since I’m Brazilian. I’m using ReShade to give it a 90s game feel, but I’m not sure if this is causing the problem. The game crashes whenever I get close to the enemy, specifically the “wild boar1,” which is supposed to be both prey and an enemy.

Has anyone else experienced this issue or have any suggestions on how to fix it?

2024-09-11 07:49:42

Does it also crash without reshade?

Registered User
2024-09-11 13:27:49

it does crash..
i deleted terrain and it doesnt crash-- so maybe its something to do with terrain ( its kinda huge )

Registered User
2024-09-11 15:41:43

I played the game for 10 doesn't crash on my end.
I couldn't find the wild boar while traveling to entire terrain.

Registered User
2024-09-11 20:19:28

I played the game for 10 doesn't crash on my end.
I couldn't find the wild boar while traveling to entire terrain.

i just moved camera closer to the wild boar and started game..

Funny thing is that --game crashes even if no behavior attached to the boar or even if boar is deleted from the scene. so AI script and boar doesnt crash it..

If i delete trees that is near to boar or delete whole terrain and replace it with plane then game doesnt crash.

Registered User
2024-09-13 13:03:00

I played the game for 10 doesn't crash on my end.
I couldn't find the wild boar while traveling to entire terrain.

i just moved camera closer to the wild boar and started game..

Funny thing is that --game crashes even if no behavior attached to the boar or even if boar is deleted from the scene. so AI script and boar doesnt crash it..

If i delete trees that is near to boar or delete whole terrain and replace it with plane then game doesnt crash.

Thanks @sven I move the camera now i see and understand. Now I can see the problem...@o5gdaroca The wild boar is setup wrong.
1. Wildboar1 have no collied with moved and uncheck the collision.
2. The camera is the player so when it die it switch to another scene. But it close the program instead switching to morte.
3. The willdboar1 attack it taking away health. You can setup the template in cerrado scene instead switch scene. Just use a large overlay to cover the scene.
4. The camera in Game actor behavior to didn't add "Attackactorwithtag" hostile.
5. Wild boar "attack when die" you set as rotation so the boar doesn't die only you.

That's all I see as right now.

Registered User
2024-09-13 13:51:51

For me game crashes at area where wild roar positioned..
even if i delete wild roar and character with health script from player and boar.
If i move wild roar to another location and move player near to him then game doesnt crash.. crash happens only at the area mentioned.

Registered User
2024-09-14 01:13:57

It could be a terrain issue but I would just use low poly trees. See if that could fix the problem with the game crashes.

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