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Responsive website banner

Registered User
2024-09-10 15:57:06


The website I'm planning to create will have as a banner a long picture, the rightmost part of which is more important. The site title would be to the left.

Is it possible to get this banner to "shrink" if the screen width decreases, while preserving the important part of the banner to the right (that is, not pushing it out of the screen)?

Something like the responsive example on the RocketCake homepage, but how is it done with the whole banner?

TIA for any advice - BR, Daniel

Registered User
2024-09-10 16:32:51

Yes, that's easy: Create a container, and set it's background mode to "Image". Default mode there is "cover" and then set its backgroundHAlignment to 'right'. I think that is what you want to do.

Registered User
2024-09-11 16:13:43

Hello Erik, thanks for replying!

Hmm... My banner is already in a container and setting the alignment to the right does indeed improve things. But the banner does not "shrink" with the window width, which gives a rather awkward result. (The other "normal" pictures on the title page do shrink.)

Maybe something's wrong in the image parameters?

2024-09-11 19:31:39

It should be the background of a container to behave like this. Take a look at one of the templates which come with RocketCake, and see how it works there.

But you can also send or upload the .rcd and I'll have a look at it you like.

Registered User
2024-09-12 09:16:11

Hello, thank you for the reply.

I have reviewed the "gardening" template, which is quite similar to what I'm looking for (except that I have a turtle instead of the dandelion...), so perhaps no need to post my full rcd file.

I guess my mistake was choosing a _very wide_ picture for the banner (I did not "think responsive"), thus probably hiding most of the shrinking effect.

I think I ought to start from a much squarer picture (loewenzahn_large in "gardening has 1200x780, I'll try something close), with the turtle as far right as possible. I have just made a quick attempt for now, it's still not ideal but it seems to put me on the right track.

I ought to have looked at he examples more closely!

2024-09-12 10:10:55

Ah, nice that it works that way now!

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