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not all is responsive

Registered User
2024-08-18 12:38:30

Hello, I created the website, but many details are not responsive: see
what am I doing wrong?

Registered User
2024-08-18 15:43:06

I think the adress is wrong, but it works without the www.
Looks quite responsive for me, but some elements are not set so that they look good, is this what you mean?

For example the "Zuruck" button overlaps a bit the border - I guess you can move it a bit to make it look nicer.

Also, the two nav menus are a bit too short when they are on a small screen - I'd set them to a fixed with, like "200" instead of whatever you now use, a percentage I think.

You can just open your website in a browser and move the size of the window, to see it in action. Also, in rocketcake, move the slider on the bottom of the editor to see it directly in the editor.

Registered User
2024-08-18 16:49:40

When I look at the page on my smartphone or tablet, the font does not get smaller. For example, the container at the bottom with the address partially disappears against the background.


2024-08-19 07:05:52

Font sizes usually won't adjust depending on screen size, most websites won't do that.

But you can do this in RocketCake using breakpoints: Right-click the text, select breakpoints, add one and select Font-Size. But I only recommend this for important texts like headlines and similar.

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