jimsteele Registered User |
2024-08-17 22:33:43 |
Hi, Do you publish on your website a list of all the requested features and bug fixes for RocketCake? This might be helpful, especially if it is updated with a status such as: implemented, to be implemented, under consideration, or rejected. Plus you might not get duplicate requests.
niko Moderator |
2024-08-19 07:03:49 |
There is a change log here: https://www.ambiera.com/rocketca..., but apart from that, that's all there is, sorry.
But will think about adding something like that maybe.
jimsteele Registered User |
2024-08-19 23:21:33 |
Thanks Niko, I think it would be great to have a master list of requested changes. You could then ask users to review the list prior to submitting feature requests. Plus it shows progress and responsiveness toward the customer base.
ivarforkbeard Registered User |
2024-10-06 15:39:33 |
I will third this request!
I'd second it, but I already made this request first awhile ago I think. Ha ha.
I can't remember if I even suggested that there could be a bug/feature bounty on some things - as at the time I was willing to pay to get a feature bumped up the priority list.