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Registered User
2024-05-09 08:58:19

though i know scripting i find it way much better to use visual scripting when i can.

Registered User
2024-05-09 09:40:42

Hi coa who is now o139. I am sorry for the things which happened between us and for me it was a misunderstanding. Anyway I wanted to say that visual programming makes it easy to create a game but it is time consuming. I made Points Tennis 2 completely with javascript in CopperCube. I used to make games without using javascript earlier in CopperCube. It becomes difficult to understand the code for the game without using javascript and the mouse is used a lot without using javascript. So my opinion is programming.

Registered User
2024-05-09 11:04:25

hi,, yes true but i find it time saving to use visual scripting and find it more enjoyable.

Registered User
2024-05-13 03:58:13

Hi again o139. You are correct visual scripting saves time. I also find visual scripting to be fun because the code is human readable which makes things easy to understand. I find visual scripting to be time consuming for games which require more but different code. Such games can be made with javascript in CopperCube. Example- a game which requires a lot of variables. So, I can type quickly the variable name in javascript and it may take time using the mouse in visual programming.

I also want to tell you that to be more successful with the CopperCube community try to read what the CopperCube community wants which are things like whether the community is mostly interested in javascript programming or more interested in visual programming. Try to make games which the community will like by observing the things in the posts on the Ambiera forum. You are according to me a experienced member of this community and I know we all love CopperCube. So, I wish you best of luck for the future.

Registered User
2024-05-13 07:43:48

i use javascript if i can do thinks more easily with it or if its not possible to make it with visual scripting

im really fond of visual scripting

but its true what you say there are less mouse clicks when using javascript

wish you also well!

Registered User
2024-05-13 13:02:23

o139 I think you know that the people who only know visual programming are considered less intelligent than people who use programming languages for programming games. Visual programming is a intelligent idea and a difficult thing to make in a computer program. According to me visual programming is more for beginners who don't know much about programming languages. I find programming languages to be the cool thing.

Anyway o139 do you have a Discord account or a Discord server for me to chat with you more about different things related to computers because I find you to be a intelligent and interesting person. I will send you a friend request on Discord. Can you give me your Discord username and post it here. If not my Discord username is .coder75

If you would like to chat. Anyway it will always be your decision. I don't know where this discussion about visual programming is going.

Registered User
2024-05-14 08:26:16

im not saying how things should be done im just saying how i use CC 3d :)

i dont have discord

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